Link collection
By clicking on the links below you will declare that you are of legal age (at least 18 years old) and you agree to the technical processing of your IP-adress for the purpose of being forwarded to the chosen external website. Underaged visitors need the consent of their parents or legal guardian. :-o (Unfortunately this information now seems to be necessary according to european law/DSGVO.)
Chris Yandall‘s Skogging:
About the skog-father Chris Yandall.
Cut the jive and jog:
The original article on riding switch from Chris Yandall; published in Skateboarder Magazine in 1975.
Cut the jive and skog:
Article from Chris Yandall about skogging, published in Concrete Wave Magazine in 2011.
About Skogging:
The website about modern day skogging.
About ChiSkogging:
Combining skogging with movement principles from Tai Chi for efficient distance skateboarding.
About Surfskating:
Nice summary about surfskating and its techniques.
Surfskate trucks:
Overview of all important surfskate truck systems.
Chris Yandall Legend Deck from Sk8kings:
Chris Yandall‘s flat skogging board from Sk8Kings. Also nice as a surfskate deck.
Initiative to experience and express universal values through the art of skateboarding.