Surf-Skogging with the Logger from Hamboards
February 9, 2020 at 9:49 pm,
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I rediscovered this video a friend made in summer last year. He did it mainly to test the camera and for the fun of video editing. Initially we were not sure if to post it to the public and over time I forgot about it. But when watching it again just recently, I started to wish that spring was already here to ride the Hamboard Logger again. So I did some minor edits and decided to publish it in hope that it might inspire your surfskating and skogging, too, because spring is just around the corner.
Be prepared for more content to come this year.
Thanks to Hamboards for allowing us to use the picture of their Hamboard Classic in the video. And thank you to Chris Yandall for inventing the art of Skogging.